Archive | December, 2012

Thoughts on Death.

15 Dec

Getting existential about life is typical behavior from us poor humans.

But whatever belief system we strongly defend,whatever we do for a living, whatever values we stand for, death is the only truth we always knew.

I was never one to be uncomfortable with death, in fact, I always thought of it as a promise.

You know, like a cumshot at the end of sex, orgasm- the end.

And as we all look forward to that release, I have looked forward to mine as well.


You see, death is everywhere around us. In this very blog if I don’t write on it, on your own laptop if the battery goes away while you’re reading-With every sunset.

With every friendship, that withers when you are trying hopelessly to save it. When a love you thought was real goes sour and your stomach turns, and you start losing your hair/appetite.


With the end of the world in a few days, or the shootings in Connecticut, or the deaths in Syria, I have been reminded of the omnipresence of death.

Today, I decided to go through death, as an experience not a tragedy. And no I don’t mean commit suicide, mum.

Just play-pretend, you know? It can’t be that bad. And all that fear frankly makes me feel like a pussy.

So I decided to be unavailable for a while.


And do this meditation technique by Osho.

I think you should do it too, even if you don’t feel strongly about meditation, or spirituality.

a visit from darkness itself.

a visit from darkness itself.

In the pop culture calendar, the world will end next week; if it does, I think it will look something like this:

(from the beautiful movie “Melancholia” by Lars Von Trier.)

I already miss life after having gone through my macabre day.

Gimmemoah Life after death!